Sperm Banking

Sperm Banking

Storing sperm is a simple way to protect against the possibility of future fertility loss. Many of our clients have cited medical procedures such as vasectomy, cancer treatment, and the surgical or hormonal treatments associated with gender-confirming surgery as reasons for banking sperm. CAN-AM has been a trusted provider of sperm banking services since 2001.

The Sperm Banking Process

Preliminary Testing

Please provide this list of required testing to your doctor and have the testing completed before your first storage appointment. Results can be faxed or emailed to our office when complete.

Account Set-Up Forms

The forms necessary to set up a storage account are available here. Please take the time to review this important information and complete the forms before your appointment.

Sperm Banking Appointment

Before your appointment - Please abstain from sexual activity (no intercourse or ejaculation) for 2-7 days prior to your appointment. Shorter or longer periods of abstinence can reduce the quality of the sperm sample.

On the day of your appointment - Please allow 30 minutes to an hour for your appointment, and remember to bring any completed forms (if not completed and submitted online), as well as photo ID. Appointments will include:

  • A brief consultation to review and finalize forms
  • Specimen collection (a private collection room is available onsite)
  • Laboratory analysis and specimen freezing

After your appointment - CAN-AM will follow up and provide a report with the results of the laboratory analysis and freezing, and an invoice for the services.

Ready to get started?

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